Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Random People Who Inspire Me- Part One

Hey everyone! I know it's been a while since I made an update. I've been a busy bee! I've started a new workout routine, going to join a gym, and overall trying to get into a healthy state! I'm so excited for it!

So, the other day while I was making a song mix to run to, I noticed that I had a certain artist for about half of those songs. It made me start thinking of people who inspire me in my daily life, even if it doesn't really relate to spirituality. This blog is all about ME, anyway, and not just about one section of my life. This certain artist was the band Powerman 5000, and most of the influencing part came from their frontman, Spider One.

Not only does his music and lyrics inspire me, but the way that you can tell he just loves what he's doing. He loves to perform, he loves to create, and he's damn good at it too! He's one of the most talented people I've ever had the opportunity to see live. I saw PM5K back in 2005 and I can honestly say, it was the most FUN show I've ever been too. Even my dad was jumping and hopping around! The energy that Spider puts off is incredible, and very contagious. He's not only involved in the music industry, but in the film-making world as well. He has a new horror TV show coming out at the end of the summer called "Death Valley". I can't wait to see it!

I've been listening to Powerman 5000 since way back in '99 (yes, I was 11 and listening to metal!) and since then, he has inspired me to just rock out with my life, have fun and be original. He is definetly his own person, and I respect that so much. He made music that wasn't popular, and he didn't care who liked it or where it played. Not to mention he's a fellow Virgo like myself! And if anything could possibly be added to his awesome self- he's attractive as hell, and metal king Rob Zombie's little brother. If anyone hasn't heard of them, please check them out! Great music to just dance in your room to, or go out for an intense run!
Favorite song to run to? "Bombshell"! :)
Take care guys, and remember to always be ORIGINAL! Spider's FearNET Horror Blog!

Powerman 50000- "Supernova Goes Pop"

EDIT: OFFICIAL DEATH VALLEY TRAILER was released after I posted this! LOOKS AMAZING! Enjoy!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Hey all! Still trying to get used to this blog thing, Haha. For some reason I can't reply to comments? I don't know, if someone does let me know!

I'm typing this from my phone so I'm going to keep it kind of short. Lately, I've been so anxious to just dive into a new book. Learn something new, read up on something, anything. So, I picked up "Living Wicca" by Scott Cunningham. I'll say one thing about it-disappointing. Don't get me wrong, I love his writing and have many books by him that I love, but this one was different. I'll do a review via YouTube in a few days. I'm waiting on somethibg in the mail to deliver that I'm super excited about!! That way I can just bang out two reviews at once and give my whole experience.

Hope you guys had a great weekend! :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Make your day a better one.

Two posts two days in a row? Can I keep up with this? Haha! I'm a pretty decent mood today. I think it's because I've been allowing myself to relax and do things that I want to do. Sometimes it's just necessary to allow yourself time to do things you like and make you happy. I feel a huge need for change in my space. My living arrangements, my spiritual space, my life. I need rearrange some things in room. I think i'm going to go shopping for some new things when I get the chance!

My Oracle reading this morning. Aphrodite popped up again! I wonder if this is a sign...Hmm. We'll see. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!

(gorgeous sunset coming out of the grocery store yesterday!)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Hey there!

Good afternoon all! It's such a beautiful Monday here on the East Coast! Normally I hate Monday's but I started off on the right side of the bed this morning! I spent alot of witchy time alone pretty much all day yesterday- meditating, doing some divination for the first time in so long, mixing up some mojo bags for sleep! It felt so nice to connect again, since I've been out of the loop for a little while. This past winter really got me down. I'm so glad to be connecting to that spiritual side of me all over again! I've started back up on daily Oracle readings from my Goddess Oracle Deck (by Doreen Virtue) and they've been helping me out so much! I still haven't found my specific Goddess yet- there are a few I feel a connection with. Gaia and Diana, mostly. But I'm not sure which one is for me right now. I'm still on that search for my Goddess, and I know it will come to me in time. But for now, I will honor all of the Goddesses that help me in my every day life, because I know of a few that have crossed my path from time to time when I've needed it. :)

This morning, I woke up a laid in bed for about five minutes until I got up. Most of the time, I just shoot right out of bed and don't even give myself a chance to think before I get ready for the day. I get ready for work as quick as I can, so I leave myself a good chunk of time to have some witchy time. I lit a candle and cleared a space on my floor, pulled out my crystals and my Oracle cards, and had myself a small reading. :)

I pulled Aphrodite. I was so happy when I pulled this card! Last night, I was meditating and watching this AMAZING girl's videos on YouTube ( SERIOUSLY, check her out!), and I got so inspired to just let the inner and outer Goddess of me SHINE! Leija is such an amazing, sweet, goodhearted woman and she's so inspiring! All of her videos are about empowering yourself, finding your inner Goddess, letting yourself shine through and being happy! So, needless to say, I was ecstatic to pull this card this morning. I've been asking Aphrodite to be with me, and help me realize my inner (and outer!) beauty, and to love myself more. I think we all get a little down in the dumps about overselvesm, especially us women, and it's good to have a little push into loving our own identities.

I think that's all I'm going to write for now! I have a delicious green, healthy salad and veggie snacks with me for lunch. I'm debating going back to vegetarianism this summer, and this is one step forward into becoming meatless and healthy again! Blessed Be! <3