Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Make your day a better one.

Two posts two days in a row? Can I keep up with this? Haha! I'm a pretty decent mood today. I think it's because I've been allowing myself to relax and do things that I want to do. Sometimes it's just necessary to allow yourself time to do things you like and make you happy. I feel a huge need for change in my space. My living arrangements, my spiritual space, my life. I need rearrange some things in room. I think i'm going to go shopping for some new things when I get the chance!

My Oracle reading this morning. Aphrodite popped up again! I wonder if this is a sign...Hmm. We'll see. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!

(gorgeous sunset coming out of the grocery store yesterday!)

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I have that same Goddesses deck! I have the same ones pop up over and over as well; I'd say it's pretty normal until you change your place in life and/or learn the lessons you need at that time. Hope you're having an awesome day!
